gutters cleaning search

Friday 26 February 2010

How to replace a broken gutter with a brand new one

broken old gutter of an house
In this how to video below an expert explains how to replace your old leaky gutter with a new one.

Replacing a gutter it's not the easiest job of the world but with the right equipment, a little bit of patience and a some good will everything is possible!

Basically, to replace a broken gutter you have first to remove it from the ledge of your roof. This operation can't be done just by one person because of the length of the gutter and is always a good idea to use a good balanced ladder.

After that you have to cut the end of the rafters to instal the new gutter, but make sure always to wear mask and googles otherwise all the dust gets in your eyes and in your mouth.
Now you're ready to install your brand new gutter.
How? Watch the video below and you'll know the rest.

Thursday 25 February 2010

How to fix the leaky gutters of your house

Fxing leaking gutters can seem a difficult job, but following these easy tips you'll discover that it's doable and easy.
Following the easy steps described in the video beow you'll be able to repair your guter in few time. So get ready to follow what the builder says in th video and repair your leaky gutters!

Tuesday 23 February 2010

Gutter cleaning problems and solutions for your House

dirty gutter of a house before cleaning
Professional gutters cleaning services are the best way to save time and efforts in the house maintenance. Remember that in a rainy country like the United Kingdom the gutters should be cleaned every year or they might broke. Is better always check the cleanness of your gutters otherwise they'll broke and we will have to spend more money to replace our downspouts.

For this reason it is alwais better hire a professional gutters cleaning company that will guarantee the maintaince and the cleannes of your downspouts.

Every year the same problem, I need to clean my gutters again, take the ladder from the garage and start cleaning each gutter of my house. I live in London, UK and the frequent rain blocks always the gutters of my house.

This is an annoying cleaning activity and it is quite risky too, because you have to spend hours on the ladders if you want to clean the gutters of your house properly.

But this year I don't have the time and I don't feel like cleaning the gutters of my property and for this reason I have decided to hire professional gutters cleaners.

I must say that they deliver a pretty good cleaning service: my gutters where dirty and overloaded and not really easy to clean, because my house has the gable roof.

Anyway in the meanwhile I was drinking my tea the gutter cleaners had almost finished to clean my downspouts: when they finished their work my gutters were cleaned in a way I had never seen before.

I Couldn't Have done it better myself and I was very pleased to see the finished work and to paid a very little price for such good cleaning service. Now my gutters are clean and tidy and i think my house will not gonna need it another downpipes cleaning in the next couple of years.

Bedsides, the gutters cleaners were happy to give me some tips to preserve my downspouts clean: for example they told me to hose down with the gutters of my house after a dirty rain, in this way I can remove the mood before it drys up and overloads my downpipes.

Friday 19 February 2010

Gutter Cleaning tips

Are you start thinking about cleaning your gutters?
It's always a god idea to clean your gutter before the first rain but if you din't do that probably you should clean them after the first freeze. Here are few gutter cleaning tips to help you clean out the leaves and debris and scoop out all the sediments before they rust in the gutters.

To clean the gutters you must have the right equipment:
  • Ladder
  • Gloves
  • Scoop
  • On and off hose
  • Bucket
  • Gutter soap
If you're tired to clean your gutter two, tree even four times a year you can choose to outsource this kind of activity to gutters cleaning experts. Due to the particular nature of the gutter cleaning, it is highly recommended to not do this by yourself.

In fact Gutter cleaning is a team activity because there are security measures that can't be adopted if you work alone and the gutter cleaning takes a lot of time if you do just by yourself.
First of all to clean up the gutters the cleaner set up the ladder, climbs on it and reach for the leaves.
Then the gutter cleaner starts to pull them out and puts them in a bucket. The gutter cleaner must always be sure to not overreach the gutter or he risk to fall on the ground.

Another annoying fact of this work is that you have move the ladder frequently to clean all the perimeter of the gutters.

After the cleaners has removed all the leaves, he starts to scoop the gutters to remove minor debris from
the gutters. Only after that he can wash the inside of the gutters using a special soap for outdoor materials. To complete the cleaning that the gutter cleaner must get of the ladder and climb on it again many times; this is the most hassling part of the gutter cleaning job.

Now finally the gutters have been washed with water and soap the work is finished and your gutters can start to functioning properly again.

Thursday 18 February 2010

How to avoid gutter clogs and keep clean your downspouts

how to clean a rain gutter If a gutter or a downspouts becomes clogged due to debris, moss or leaves, rain water can no longer flow. In case of heavy rain, it can also happen that the gutter overflows and the water will seep in the walls.

So, you have to make sure to completely clean your gutters once or twice a year. The best period to do this is during the warmer time of the year, avoid to clean the gutters during the wet season.
The best thing you can do is to contact a professional gutter cleaning company: they're trained and equipped to clean your gutter quickly and properly.

Frist of all the gutter guy will scoop up the debris and then he will use a broom to cleean the rest making sure that nothing will remain in the gutter and in the downpipes. This is a very important process, because if stones or metal objects remain in the gutter, they can make holes when the cleaner starts to hose down the pipes.
The images in this post show the gutter cleaning process and all the necessary precaution to take before starting the job, but remember that prevention is the best thing you can do to avoid to spend thousands of pounds for your house repairs.

Equipment needed to clean a gutter:

  • Ladder
  • small paddle
  • Dustpan
  • Metal grid for gutter
  • bucket for the dirt
  • security rope (for high gutters)

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Gutter cleanings in UK during the icy winter

iced gutter on a building with stalactitesWhen the winter comes and the roofs start to freeze the gutters of your house are at risk. It is very dangerous for you to remove manually the ice from the gutter, and you may risk to slide and fall down of the roof of your house. But If you don't clean your gutter and remove the ice the entire downspouts is gonna break and you have to spend a lot of money for a brand new gutter.
If you find yourself in this unpleasant situation the best thing you can do to remove the heavy stalactites hung to your gutter is to hiring a professional gutter cleaning company.
There are several benefits of hiring a professional gutter cleaning company, I will only list some of them:iced gutters detail of a snow covered roof
- Safety; gutter cleaning is quite risky, especially on a ice covered roof and you need to take all the necessary precautions to avoid dangerous accidents. This is true especially if you don't havethe right equipment to do the job.

- Get the job done: how many times have you sad I have to do this... I have o do that on my house, but you never had find the time to do it. If you're hire a professional gutter cleaning company you can be sure that the job will get done.
- Save the stress: gutter cleaning can be a really hard job especially during extreme whether conditions like the ones in the picture.
So if we asses the pro and the cons of hiring a professional gutter cleaning company, we easily figure it out the the only pro is that you save a little bit of money, but the cons are that you risk your own safety, you waste your time and you probably will not able to do a proper job because of the lack of the right equipment.
Are you still thinking to go on the iced roof and clean the gutter by yourself?
Think again and hire a professional gutter cleaning company you'll save yourself the risk of falling down of the roof and you'll get a proper job for a very little price.